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பஞ்சமுட்டி கஞ்சி

  இப்போது    உள்ள   மக்கள் பண்டைய   உணவு   பழக்கத்தை மறந்துவிட்டு   நவீன   உணவு பழக்கத்திற்கு   மிகுந்த   ஆர்வம் காட்டி வருகிறார்கள் . குழந்தைகளுக்கு கொடுக்கும்   உணவுகளில்   தற்போது   மரபணு   மாற்றப்பட்ட   உணவுகளான   பீடியாசர்  , செர்லாக்   போன்ற   உணவுகளே தற்போது   தாய்மார்கள்    கொடுத்து   வருகி றார்கள் .  இதனால் வரும்   பின்   விளைவுகள்   எண்ணற்றது .  சிலர்   குழந்தைகளுக்கு ஊட்ட   சத்து   குறைவான   உணவுகளை   கொடுப்பதால் ஊட்டச்சத்து   குறைவினால்   பல   நோய்கள்   ஏற்படுகிறது .    நமது   உடலில்   தோன்றும்   எந்தவித   பிரச்சனைகளுக்கும்   நாம் உணவின்   மூலமே   தீர்வு   காணலாம்   என்பது   சித்தர்களின் வ ாக்கு  ” உணவே   மருந்து ,  மருந்தே   உணவு ” .  குழந்தைகளின் நலத்தை   காப்பதற்காக   சித்தரிகள்   கொடுத்த   சிறந்த   உணவு முறை   தான்   " பஞ்ச   முட்டி    கஞ்சி " .  இது   ஒரு   சிறந்த ஊட்டச்சத்து   நிறைந்த   அர்புதமான   உண வாகும் . பஞ்ச   மூட்டி   கஞ்சி  -  பஞ்ச   என்றால்   ஐந்து   என்றும்   முட்டி என்றால்   முடிச்சு   என் றும்   பொருள்படும் .  இதில்  5  வகையான புரதச்சத்து   நிறை



Breast feeding or lactation is a life time gift to your Baby. Lactation is a natural process and the chief function of a lactation is to provide nutrition and immune protection to the baby. Annually August 1-7 is considered as World Breastfeeding week and it is celebrated in various countries to promote exclusive breast feeding for 6 months and to ensure the health of the child. This year the WHO (World Health Organization) proposed the theme of the World Breastfeeding Week 2020 is “Support Breastfeeding For a Healthier Planet”. We will see about the Importance of Breastfeeding, Lactation failure and the solution through Siddha.

Know about Breastfeeding:

·        Breastfeeding or Lactation is a natural process of secretion of milk.

·   Skin to skin (Kangaroo Care) contact between mother and baby initially after birth initiates the breast feeding and the bonding between the mother and the baby.

·      Breast feeding have to be initiated within the first hours of birth. It protects the newborn from acquiring infection and reduces newborn mortality.

·   Colostrum is the first milk produced by the mother right after the baby is born. It is yellow in color. Rich in nutrients and antibodies which completely provides nutrition and prevent from various illness and infection. Colostrum is easily digestible. It has a laxative effect, which helps the newborn to pass the early stools.

·    Fore milk is the milk available when your baby starts feeding, satisfies the thirst of the baby.

·    Hind milk is the milk your baby gets at the end of a feed. It satisfies the hunger of the baby.

·      The baby has to be held in the right position which should be comfortable for the baby.

·      The mother have to feed on the demand of the baby or at least 8 times a day or every 2-3 hours as per requirement.

·     WHO and UNICEF recommends that the breastfeeding have to be done exclusively for first 6 months of life – no other foods or liquids should be provided including water.

·  Exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months has many benefits for the infant and mother. It protects against gastrointestinal infection.

·      And then it has to be continued up to 2 years or beyond with other supplements.

Benefits of Breastfeeding to Baby:

·        Breast milk provides optimal nutrition for babies.

·        Breast milk is loaded with antibodies that help your baby fight off viruses and bacteria.

·      Colostrum provides high amounts of immunoglobulin A (IgA), as well as several other antibodies .

·       It protects the baby from infection and illness.

·        It protects against diseases, like diabetes and cancer.

·        Babies have healthier weights as they grow.

·        Breastfeeding babies score higher on IQ tests.

Benefits of Breastfeeding to mother:

·        Breastfeeding helps to lose pregnancy weight faster.

·        It helps your uterus return to its Pre-pregnancy size.

·        Breastfeeding lowers your risk of breast and ovarian cancer.

·        Prevents from depression.

·        Saves time and money.

Lactation failure and the solution through Siddha:           

Lactation failure is the failure of the mother to produce breast milk. It has become more common in females nowadays, due to

·        life style modifications

·        Increased stress in working women

·   Intake of junk food which contributes with hormonal imbalances and Nutritional deficiency which ultimately leads to the lactation failure.

Here are some of the solution for lactation failure in Siddha:

1.     Sombu (Fennel Seed):

Fennel seeds are galactagogues, they contain phytoestrogens.
How to consume ?
Soak the Fennel seeds overnight and consume the water in the morning.
2.     Jeeragam (Cumin seeds):

 Cumin seeds contains iron ,which promotes the milk production.Ithelps to burn the calories. It aids in the digestion and prevent from gastric problems.
How to consume?
 Take a required amount of cumin seeds and fry it in a pan. Make it into a powder, mix it with honey and consume.
Take a pan add 2 glasses of water add a teaspoon of cumin seeds, boil it and reduce it into 1 glass ,strain the seeds and consume.
3.     Poondu (Garlic):
 Garlic has a galactagogue action and improves the milk production.
How to consume?
 Take 5-6 garlic pieces, peel off the skin and boil it in milk. Consume the boiled garlic one time in a day.
4.     Vendhaiyam (Fenugreek seeds):
  Fenugreek contains hormone precursors which promotes milk supply.  It is found that it increases the milk supply within 24-48 hrs.
How to consume ?

·        Fenugreek can be consumed as  porridge.

·        Sprouted fenugreek can also be consumed.

·        It can be consumed in the form of fenugreek pudding (vendhaiya kali).

5.     Pal Sura (Milk shark):

Pal Sura is considered as an effective method in improving the milk production.

How to consume?

It can be consumed in the form of gravy or Sura Puttu(A South Indian recipe).

6.     Urulai Kilangu (Potato):

 Potatoes are considered as a great source of energy.

How to consume?

Boiled potato has to be taken with ghee in any form.

7.     Inji (Ginger):

 Ginger promotes the healing after childbirth.It also acts as a galactagogue.
How to consume? 
Take a piece of ginger, peel the skin. Add 2 glass of water in a pan, boil it and reduce it into 1  glass , strain it and add some honey, consume it as a tea.

8.     Kondaikadalai (Chickpeas):


How to consume?

Soak a handful of chick peas over night, Cook the soaked Chickpeas and consume it.

9.     Carrot:

Carrots are rich in beta carotene's and vitamin A, and are good for breast feeding moms.

How to consume? Take one or two glasses of carrot juice daily.

10. Kalyanai Murungai (Indian coral tree):

How to consume?




Cooked the leaves of Indian coral tree with coconut oil and consume it.

11. Nilapoosani(Pumpkin) :

Pumpkin and its seeds are found to be beneficial in increasing the milk production for nursing moms.

How to consume?

It can be consumed along with coriander seeds, fenugreek and cumin seeds.

12.Ulunthu (Urad Dal):

 Improves the production of milk.

How to consume? It can be consumed in any form.

13.Sitramanaku Elai (Leaves of Castor):

ü The leaves are made as kashayam and consumed internally.

ü Boil the leaves of the castor plant in a water and give a hot fomentation over the breast.

ü Grind the castor leaves make it as a paste and apply it on the breast .


14.Orithal Thamarai Hybanthus):

 The leaves of the Orithal Thamarai are grinded well and made into a lemon sized balls and consumed with butter milk for 40 days. This works as a wonder.

15.Aali Vithai( Flax seed):

    Flax seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and it promote the milk production.

How to consume?

Take a pan and add milk, boil the milk and  add  the flax seed in milk  and consume it.

                                         “Siddha is a way of life”

         “Food itself medicine and medicine itself Food”                               

-R.Rushmi Kruthiga ,(B.S.M.S)



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